
Hey there, I'm Chris.

A proud dog Mom, shameless CrossFit junkie, and relentless entrepreneur with “a head for biz and a bod for sin” (Ha! My fav line from Melanie Griffith in Working Girl). Well, maybe the “bod” part is a bit of a stretch but I’m working on it and it’s fun to say! Simply, I’m just a girl who thinks she can.

Surprise, surprise, my life is far from flawless. A recovering perfectionist, I’m still learning to strive for excellence and get it done instead of hiding behind the illusion of being perfect and becoming my own biggest obstacle. So, with that thought in mind, I’ve officially stopped following the rules, doing what I think (or others say!) I should do, sticking to the safety zone of things that I’m good at simply because I can do them, and am listening to my heart instead of only my head. Adventure has called, I’ve answered, and this is your invitation to come along!

Maybe you can relate to some of my story? If so, we’re gonna make a great team…

Cue the Cubicle Escape

My transition into entrepreneurship wasn’t typical. My corporate career taught me early on that working for myself was definitely the goal – if I was gonna work that many hours, have my pay cheque and potential limited, AND have to follow someone else’s rules/schedule/to-do list, I HAD to figure out a way to make it on my own! BUT, I was totally clueless about what the heck I wanted to do or where to start! Sadly, at that time, there was no Dr. Google to consult for a remedy!

Needless to say, he didn’t have to ask twice when our GM offered me the chance to ditch the 9 to 5, work on contract, and control my own destiny! But, DANG!, was I in for a rude awakening about all the hats that I’d need to wear and the thinking that would need to change to really OWN my business “like a BOSS!”

Long days, evenings and weekends in front of the computer with little to no time for fun with family or friends. Isolated, working at home alone with no-one to collaborate with, or who understood the challenges of running a business. I’d be remiss not to mention the stress-induced, scary eating habits, severe lack of sleep, AND, you mean you’re not supposed to skip the gym and sit in the same chair for 12 hours? There’s no doubt that my ability to get work was not the problem. What took me far too long to realize was that I was spending waaay too much time working IN my business at the great expense of neglecting working ON my business. AND, I was still trading time for money.

Enough Was Enough

I got my wake-up call when my Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2014. It was immediate and there was NO QUESTION – taking care of myself first and optimizing the performance of my business was the only way I was going to be able to keep all the balls in the air and be the very highest benefit to myself, my family, and my business – in that order! So, I taught myself how to:

  • Build habits, behaviors, and systems to develop peace of mind and profits
  • Harness my emotions and change my thinking to change my results
  • Create my business around my life instead of living life on the fringes of my business
  • Build and deliver all-star business training that helps employees, who are ready to take the leap, follow the path of least resistance to create the business of their dreams, on their terms, and lead by prioritizing their health and wealth.

    Just like fitness, building a healthy business starts with building a strong foundation. And I know if you’re reading this you’re up for the challenge and ready to use my experience to save yourself a lot of TIME, MONEY, and RISK… (confusion, fear, heartache…)

Enough is enough, it’s time to commit to becoming a leader who’s valued, respected, loved, and building an abundant future of health and happiness! Let’s do this! I would be honored to be your guide.